
Karabük Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KTSO) Chairman Fatih Çapraz issued a written press release.

President Çapraz made the following statements in his press release:

Dear members of the press, our esteemed members of the public and the Karabük public, I greet you all with love and respect.


We are all experiencing the excitement and happiness of the sultan of 11 months, Ramadan, which is a climate of mercy, abundance and forgiveness that the Islamic world is waiting for with great anticipation. May the blessings of Ramadan be reflected on your tables, peace in your hearts and faith in your prayers. May your Ramadan month be blessed. I congratulate the holy Ramadan of our Karabük business world, Our neighbors, our beloved nation and the whole Islamic world, and I wish that Ramadan will bring health, peace and well-being to all humanity.


The items related to our activities and services in February are as follows.


On February 4, with the participation of our President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Minister of Labor and Social Security Prof. Dr. Vedat Işıkhan and President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Mr. M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu ’s, the National Convention was held at the Beştepe National Congress and Culture Center. As Karabük Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KTSO), we participated in the National Employment Strategy Promotion and Launching of İŞKUR Youth Program with the participation of Mr. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu ’ at the Beştepe National Congress and Culture Center. The National Employment Strategy, taking into account the changes and changes in the world and in our country, the current needs and future expectations of the labor market in accordance with the current needs and future expectations of the labor market;It sets out the goals, policies and actions that aim to create qualified human resources in line with their needs and future expectations and to build a work environment where fundamental human rights are guaranteed by providing decent working conditions. There are 90 action items and targets set in 4 main policy areas;

1- Improving green and digital transformation and skills alignment in labor markets

2- Promoting inclusive employment

3- Strengthening the relationship between social protection and employment

4- Developing sustainable employment in rural areas


We often host our guests, stakeholder institutions and müdürs in our room and hold consultations and meetings. We hosted our Karabük central neighborhood mukhtars in our room and held consultations about our city. We come together with our university students and student clubs who want an appointment and talk about what we can do for Karabük, its promotion, its economy. In the same way, we hosted the Secretary General of the Western Black Sea Development Agency (BAKKA) and Investment Support Office Coordinatörümüzüzü and officials in our room and consulted about the supports and projects that can be done through the development agency. From time to time, we continue to make determinations about our city and business world by hosting our friends from the local press in our room. We hosted our Karabük Treasurer Hülya Yelimlieş’i and Karabük Tax Office Müdürü Uğur Kahraman’ in our room and exchanged ideas by discussing the economic dynamics of Karabük’ün, tax rules and expectations of the business community. Again, with the instruction of our Ministry of Treasury and Finance, within the scope of 81 provincial meetings in Türkiye’, we hosted the authorized delegation from the revenue administration in our chamber. Once again, we would like to thank the delegation for listening to our sector representatives on issues related to finance and VAT legislation.


On February 10, the Karabük Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KTSO) and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği (TOBB) jointly organized the "Insurance Agents Professional Problemsı and Çözüm Önerileri” information meeting on the subject was held in our chamber. Levent Korkut, Chairman of TOBB Insurance Agencies Executive Board Levent Korkut, Vice Chairman of TOBB Insurance Agencies Executive Board Özgür Yılmaz, TOBB Insurance Müdürü Mevlüt Söylemez, our council members and our insurance agents operating in our province attended the meeting. In the meeting, the problems and challenges of the sector were expressed and information about the development of the profession in Turkey and in our province was given. Once again, I would like to thank our participants for sharing their valuable knowledge and experience.


The Entrepreneur Support Program Business Development Support Jüri Evaluation Board Meeting was hosted by Karabük Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KTSO). KOSGEB Vice President Dr. Recep Kılın ç, Provincial Müdürü Birol Cangı, KOSGEB Karabük Müdürü Serhat Saygın, KBÜ Mü Engineering Faculty. Assistant Dean Doç. Prof. Dr. Engin & Ccedil Evik and BAKKA Karabük YDO Coordinatör V. Şakir Adem Yazıcı participated. We wish both of our enterprises, whose applications were evaluated, success and abundant earnings in their business life. On this occasion, we would like to make a reminder and request to all our SMEs and entrepreneurs. Please write a project, contact KTSO and KOSGEB and ask us for help. The more applications we submit, the more chances we have to benefit from resources.


On February 17, in cooperation with Karabük Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KTSO) and KARDEMİR A.Ş., with the contributions of Ekonomi Newspaper, the “World and Türkiye Economy Perspective Panel on Iron & Steel Sector” was hosted by our chamber. Kardemir General Müdürü Dr. Dursunali Yaşacan, Kardemir A.Ş. Financial Affairs Deputy General Müdür Fazıl Çiftçi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of How An Economy Media Hakan Güldağ, Chairman of the Editorial Board Dr. Şeref Oğuz, How An Economy Media Chief Advisor Dr. Rüştü Bozkurt, KTSO Board of Directors and Assembly members and many business people attended. Attention was drawn to the challenges and opportunities faced by the iron & steel sector and consultations were held, especially on reducing the carbon footprint and the importance of digitalization. It was underlined that collaboration and innovation are critical for the future of the industry. The panel also discussed the FİLYOS Port Project, Eskipazar OIZ and Logistics Center, which are of great importance for regional development. We emphasized the logistical advantages that these projects will provide to the iron and steel sector and their strategic importance in terms of industrial investments and employment. Stating that the region will increase its competitive power in the global market by increasing its production capacity, we emphasized the critical importance of the rapid completion of infrastructure works. Our members also contributed to the panel with a question and answer session. We would like to thank Fikret Yazıcı, Bölge Representative of What kind of an Economy Bölge Representative, who contributed to the committee we formed to organize the panel in Karabük’, Kardemir A.Ş. I would like to thank Burcu Öztürk’our Education Müdürü Hasan Kaya’the general secretary of our chamber and especially Hakan Güldağ’s, Dr. Hakan Güldağ’s, Dr. Şeref Oğuz’s, Dr. Rü Şeref Oğuz’s and Dr. Rü Şeref Oğuz’s Bozkurt’s who were our guests and who did not spare their valuable contributions and experience. I would like to thank Şeref Oğuz’a Dr. Rüştü Bozkurt’a.


Unity at Work, Unity in Güçte: KARABÜK, Civil Society Organizations Presentation Meeting was held within the scope of the Public-NGO Cooperation Project. We participated in the program held at the Karabük 100th Anniversary Kültür Center. At the meeting, presentations were made on 46 sub-headings and 201 activity titles determined under 11 main headings for the development of our city with the cooperation of representatives of public and non-governmental organizations.In the presentations made by various non-governmental organizations; 11 main topics such as disaster management, social solidarity, efficiency of public services, combating addiction, development, urban culture and promotion were discussed. Türkiye Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB) Karabük Chamber of Commerce and Industry Women Entrepreneurs Board and Nuray Alpboğa, President of Entrepreneur and Entrepreneur Business Women Association, made the presentation of the "The Role of Civil Society in Development" project. We would like to once again thank Mr. Mustafa Yavuz, the Governor of Karabük, for his support to NGOs.


SWe continue to voice the issues that are crucial for the development of our city on every platform and ask for support for their realization. I would like to share with you once again the issues we emphasize.

·           Karabük’ün City Kültürü Reflecting the identity: Determination of the city symbol, declaration of April 3rd Industry Günü, construction of Industry (City) Museum,

·           Increasing Geographically Marked Products: Ensuring that ürüproducts such as Eflani Çember Cloth and Eskipazar Yellow Travertine Marble (pending registration) receive geographical indication,

·           Development of the Tourism Sector:

·           Increasing Exports: To carry out sectoral analyzes, to identify problems and solutions in order to increase the exports of Karabük’ün, to carry out activities in order to increase the foreign trade potential;To carry out activities in the region, especially to put the Filyos Project and the port into operation and make it available to the whole region, industrialists and everyone who wants to trade,

·          Filling the Need for Qualified Intermediate Personnel: Supporting vocational high schools and cooperating within the scope of vocational education,

·           Eskipazar OSB’sActivation and Employment Increase: Providing support for the organized industry bölge to become operational,

·           Development of a Logistics CenterAçation:Providing and supporting the establishment of the Logistics Center, developing the railway network and connecting it to the port, meeting the need for a highway,

·           Establishment of Küçük Industrial Sites: Carrying out studies for the establishment of Küçük industrial estates, site identification, preparation of feasibility reports, project preparation and close follow-up of the process,


On this occasion,   ““Why April 3rd should be Industry Day” We have learned that an essay competition has been organized and I would like to share with you that we are very happy. I would like to thank Mehmet & Ccedil etinkaya, President of Karabük Journalists and Communication Association and Döndü Açıkgöz’ President of Purple Saffron Culture and Art Association. I would like to express my belief that all non-governmental organizations and our people should embrace the present day. As it will be remembered, in the past, with the unanimous vote of Karabük Municipality Council, it was unanimously decided that April 3 would be Industry Day. As Karabük Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we collected around 10 thousand signatures and sent the signatures to our President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with the signatures of around 40 NGO executives in Karabük. In many countries, there are days such as INDUSTRIAL GÜNÜ, INDUSTRIAL DAY. In our country, there is no INDUSTRIAL GÜNÜ although there is a day on every subject. In the 14th year of the proclamation of our Republic, the foundation of Karabük Iron and Steel Factories, the first heavy industrial enterprise of our country, was laid in Karabük. We have been celebrating April 3 in our own city since 1977. However, April 3 is the date of the beginning of industry not only in Karabakh but also in our country. For this reason, April 3rd should be celebrated as Industry Day throughout the country.


We held the KTSO Joint Professional Committee Meeting with the participation of Karabük Deputies Mr. Cem Şahin and Mr. Ali Keskinkılı. This is not a salaried place. It is an institution based on the principle of gönül and service. We have ten different professional groups in our chamber. We have twenty dört council members elected from these professional groups. Our members elected from each professional group also have professional committees. Our chamber is suitable for these professional committees to be able to work together. If the professional committees frequently visit their members and organize committee meetings, they can identify sectoral problems, identify projects with opinions and suggestions, make recommendations, and contribute to the industry and trade of our country. For this reason, our members and professional committees are very important for us to understand the sectors, identify problems and find solutions. We are accustomed to holding our extended professional committee meetings without interruption during the time we are in office. In addition, with the awareness of the responsibility we have taken, we have prepared a strategic plan to determine our goals with the cooperation of all our members and external stakeholders. We completed our meeting by conveying the problems and solutions related to the professional groups by the representatives of 10 professional committees to our esteemed deputies. I would like to thank our esteemed deputies and members once again for their participation in the Joint Professional Committee Meeting.


While concluding my speech, I would like to thank my esteemed council members, my esteemed board members, my esteemed executive board members and our chamber staff who have supported us in the work we have done and will do until today. Again, I would like to thank our Governor Mr. Mustafa Yavuz, mayors, deputies, all protocol, departments, representatives of non-governmental organizations and Karabük public for supporting us in all our activities and inviting us to many important meetings.

